News Flash: Your Baby is Not Too Old for Newborn Photos!


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  1. Susan says:

    This is a great informative post on Newborn Photos! Great prep info for new moms and dads!

  2. This is great news for moms wanting newborn photos! Many photographers insist that the baby be a certain age which means there is a limited window. Your newborn portraits are absolutely gorgeous, Ashleigh!

    • Ashleigh Maxey says:

      Thank you so much, Michelle! I love being able to photograph babies that other photographers deem “too old” for newborn photos!

  3. Brandi says:

    Ok, these are just the most beautiful newborn photos! I love that you like the older babies. As a first time mom I would not have thought about newborn photos so early and your local clients are blessed that you will work with babies over 2 weeks old and still get these stunning images!

    • Ashleigh Maxey says:

      Thank you, Brandi! Some of my most favorite sessions are with babies over 2 weeks old, and I hear moms apologize for not coming in sooner. I hope this blog post helps ease some of that anxiety for them!

  4. Jodi Major says:

    I love your explanations on when and why to get newborn photos. These newborns certainly are adorable.


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