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For many new parents, going about how to book newborn photos can be a daunting and overwhelming thought. Choosing the right photographer, then figuring out the best time to book, and then how to book that dream newborn photographer can be a lot to think about in the midst of preparing for a new baby! […]

How to Book Newborn Photos | A Guide for Busy Moms

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Welcoming a new baby into the world is one of life’s most precious milestones. As a parent, you want to remember every detail—the tiny fingers, the delicate eyelashes, and those first sleepy smiles. Many families turn to newborn photographers to capture these fleeting moments, but when it comes to choosing a photographer, cost shouldn’t be […]

Why NOT to Hire a Cheap Newborn Photographer

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If your family is growing my two tiny feet and you’re considering hiring a professional newborn photographer, you might be asking yourself “how much do newborn pictures cost?” Unfortunately the answers to this question vary largely, as service-based industries often do. One thing I will always advocate for is a photographer who is newborn safety […]

Is Photos by Ashleigh Right For You? – Newborn Photography Investment