What to Wear to Your Newborn Photo Session


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  1. Love these what to wear to newborn photos tips. Yes to comfortable and accessories and all the other great tips! Great newborn photos!

  2. This is the best set of guidelines for newborn photos I’ve ever seen! I love that you’ve discussed everything about how to prepare and what outfits work best, as well as hair and makeup. Families will love being included for newborn photos and have gorgeous keepsakes when they choose Photos by Ashleigh!

    • Ashleigh Maxey says:

      Thank you, Michelle! I find that clients who are prepared for their session in every way possible are more confident in front of the camera and have better images at the end of the session!

  3. Jodi Major says:

    Such a great offering. Wonderful to help your clients with what to wear to newborn photos. It’s wonderful to have a helpful guide to decide what to wear. Especially when you have a newborn baby to take care of as well

  4. Brandi Price says:

    Great tips for what to wear for a newborn session. Love when families stick to classics and neutrals!


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