Having a fussy newborn can be one of the most challenging experiences for new parents. Whether it’s late-night crying or constant fussing during the day, the frustration can be overwhelming. Trust me – I know the feeling all to well! But rest assured—this phase is temporary, and there are proven techniques that can help calm your baby and bring some relief.
In this post, we’ll explore some expert-backed methods for soothing a fussy newborn, so hopefully you can find what works best for you and your little one!

Why Do Newborns Get Fussy?
First, it’s important to understand why your newborn may be fussy. Babies cry to communicate, and their cries can indicate different needs. Some common reasons include:
- Hunger: Newborns have tiny little tummies, and need to feed frequently. A hungry newborn is a fussy newborn!
- Discomfort: Dirty diapers, tight clothing, or even the wrong room temperature can cause fussiness.
- Gas or Colic: Immature digestive systems often lead to gas, which can cause upset tummies and crying.
- Sleep Issues: Newborns have irregular sleep cycles, and overtired babies may become fussy.
- Overstimulation: Bright lights, loud noises, or too much activity can overwhelm your baby.
- The Need for Comfort: Sometimes babies just need to be held, rocked, or swaddled to feel secure.
Understanding the cause behind the fussiness is the first step in finding the right solution. So first, evaluate why your baby might be crying and try to eliminate the issues that could be causing their discomfort first.

How to Calm a Fussy Newborn: Swaddle Your Baby
Swaddling mimics the snug feeling of being in the womb, which can be incredibly comforting for a newborn. Think about it: they just spent 9 months snug inside mom’s tummy and now they’re in a great big, cold world! Proper swaddling can help your baby feel secure and calm.
How to Swaddle Safely:
- Lay a blanket on a flat surface in a diamond shape.
- Fold down the top corner and place your baby’s head above the fold.
- Wrap one side of the blanket snugly around their body, then tuck the bottom of the blanket up over their feet.
- Wrap the other side, leaving enough room for your baby’s hips and legs to move comfortably.
Why It Works: The act of being tightly swaddled helps prevent the startle reflex (Moro reflex), which can startle babies awake and cause fussiness. It also creates a sense of security.

How to Calm a Baby Who is Over Tired: Use Gentle Motion
Gentle rocking or swinging can be incredibly soothing for a newborn. The rhythmic motion reminds them of being rocked in the womb and can help calm them down. You don’t have to get fancy with expensive devices—sometimes the simple act of holding your baby and gently rocking them in your arms can work wonders.
Holding your baby in an upright position or cradling them on their side can help provide comfort. Gently sway from side to side, or sit in a rocking chair and let the motion calm both you and your little one. When my babies were little, they also liked gentle pats to their booties. My husband and I called it the “baby reset”.
Why It Works:
Motion has a calming effect on newborns because it mimics the gentle movement they experienced while inside the womb. It also helps stimulate their vestibular system, which is responsible for balance and coordination.

Using a Pacifier to Calm a Crying Baby
Pacifiers can be a lifesaver when trying to calm a fussy baby! Sucking is a natural reflex that helps newborns self-soothe, so offering a pacifier can help satisfy that need. It’s also a great way to redirect your baby’s attention and help them calm down if they’re upset. Try offering a pacifier when your baby is fussing, especially if they’re not hungry or in need of a diaper change. You can also use the pacifier during moments of overstimulation or when they need to calm down before napping.
Why Pacifiers Work:
Sucking on a pacifier releases endorphins, which can help babies feel calm and relaxed. It also provides them with a sense of comfort and helps to distract them from the source of their discomfort.

How To Help Your Baby Relax: Creating White Noise
White noise or soft sounds can mimic the environment of the womb and have a calming effect on babies. During their time in the womb, they heard mom’s heartbeat constantly as well as the rush of blood in her veins. By using white noise, the constant, rhythmic sound can help drown out other noises in the environment and create a sense of security for your little one.
Ways to Create White Noise:
There are many ways to create white noise, from using a white noise machine to playing recordings of calming sounds, like rain or ocean waves. You can also use a fan or the hum of a vacuum cleaner if you’re looking for a quick fix. When my littlest was a newborn, we loved using a Bluetooth speaker in her room and playing 10 Hours of White Noise to Soothe Colicky Babies on YouTube!

Easing a Fussy Newborn: Tummy Rubs and Bicycle Legs
If your baby’s fussiness seems to be related to gas or tummy discomfort, gentle massage and tummy time may provide relief. A tummy rub or “bicycle legs” motion can help relieve gas and promote digestion.
Lay your baby on their back and gently massage their tummy in a circular motion. You can also move their legs in a bicycling motion to help relieve gas. Tummy time, where your baby spends time on their stomach, can also aid in digestion and relieve discomfort.
Why It Works: Gentle pressure on the tummy can help move trapped gas and soothe your baby’s digestive system. The bicycle legs motion can help move gas bubbles along, providing comfort and relief from discomfort.

How to Calm a Fussy Newborn: Try a Warm Bath
A warm bath can be incredibly soothing for a fussy baby. The warm water helps relax their muscles, and the calming sensation can ease tension and reduce fussiness.
Make sure the bathwater is warm, not hot, and that the room is comfortably warm as well. Gently lower your baby into the water and support their head and body while they relax in the tub. You can also try adding baby-safe bath products with calming scents like lavender.
Why It Works: Warm baths promote relaxation and can help ease any tension your baby may be feeling. The calming effect of the water, combined with the comforting scent of a gentle bath product, can create a peaceful environment for your baby.

How to Keep Yourself Calm When Your Newborn is Fussy
It’s natural to feel stressed and frustrated when your baby is crying, but staying calm can have a big impact on your ability to soothe your newborn. Babies can pick up on your emotions, so if you’re feeling anxious, they may become more upset.
Take deep breaths and try to remain calm. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, it’s okay to step away for a few minutes—put your baby down in a safe place, like their crib, and step out of the room for a few minutes. Call for help if needed, and remember that it’s okay to ask for support from friends or family.
Why It Works: Babies are very attuned to the emotions of their caregivers. When you remain calm, you’re helping create a soothing atmosphere for your baby. It also allows you to think more clearly and approach the situation with a more positive mindset.

Caring for a fussy newborn can be exhausting, but remember that this phase will pass. By understanding your baby’s needs and trying some of these proven techniques, you can help soothe your little one and bring some calm to your day. Trust yourself—every parent faces challenges, and finding the right solution for your baby takes time. You’ve got this!
If you’re feeling overwhelmed, don’t hesitate to reach out for support from loved ones, or even a pediatrician if you have any concerns. You’re not alone in this journey!
Professional Newborn Photographer in Oklahoma City
Whether you’re expecting your little one any day or you just found out about your little miracle, now is the time to think about your newborn portrait experience. If you’re a new mama or welcoming a baby soon and want to know more about the iconic Photos by Ashleigh experience, I’d love to share my Newborn Portrait Welcome Guide with you. Just click below, fill out a quick form and the guide will be sent directly to your inbox!
Don’t forget to keep following the Photos by Ashleigh blog for more exciting updates about past sessions. Start collecting ideas now so you’ll be ready for an unforgettable session later! Find fantastic ideas on my Pinterest and Facebook socials, and when you’re ready to make the magic happen visit my website. Let’s celebrate this beautiful moment in your life with portraits that are equally beautiful.
This is such a valuable resource for calming fussy babies–not just in the photo studio! I remember being a new parent and being overwhelmed with the fussiness.
Thank you Susan – and I agree! I remember Googling “why is my newborn crying” just desperate for tips on how to calm her! I truly hope this info helps new parents!
OMG those faces!! This shows just how challenging it can be to create gorgeous newborn photos. Being a new mom is rough, so having these tips to calm a crying baby is sure to make life a little easier!
These tips are so applicable to the session itself, and at home too! Of course, as always, your images are so breathtaking!
You have this down pat. I would think in your business, you really do have to be a baby whisperer to get those shots!
Thank you, Beth! And yes, sometime it feels like you need a magic wand and a prayer to make a session go right!
I wish I’d known some of these when my son was a baby. It was so hard to get him to calm down sometimes.
Unfortunately I have also been in that situation more than several times as a mom myself, and wish I’d had a similar resource! I hope it reaches new parents who are “in the trenches” so to speak!
These are really great ideas for keeping babies calm and tranquil during newborn photo shoots. The images will turn out so much better this way!
Hi Emily, and thank you! The images will definitely turn out better if all of the grown ups are calm and work together to keep the environment calm!
I wish I saw this when my son was a newborn! I’ll definitely bookmark this page for if I have a second child…
Thank you, Staci! I appreciate you taking the time to read through.
I like the practical, compassionate tips for soothing a fussy newborn, you have here. Not a mum myself but I will definitely share them with moms in my circle. I’m sure one might find them reassuring during challenging moments.
Thank you for sharing, Caroline!
There is nothing more stressful as a new mama than a fussy baby. Love that you are sharing multiple techniques to help calm a sweet new one!
It’s great to see expert backed advice that actually gets what a baby needs. I also liked the emphasis on creating a calm environment and being patient in the tough moments. Articles like this are a lifeline for new parents in those exhausting early days. Thanks for sharing this useful info – great for anyone with a newborn!
Thanks so much, Sonia! I hope it reaches new parents everywhere and truly helps them in those hard days!
These are such adorable baby pictures. It takes a lot of patience and practice to achieve what you do with fussy newborn babies. Kudos to you!
Thank you so much, I appreciate you taking the time to read!
I remember these days. I wish I had found this blog post a few years ago. Thank you for sharing. This is such helpful information for new parents.
This is a great post about calming a fussy newborn. I’ve had hundreds of newborns in my care and we use all of your techniques!